On Fri, Jan 30, 2004 at 06:17:49PM -0600, Mitchell James wrote:
> hi,
> I am trying to follow the *Virtual/Mailhost Howto 
> <http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/virt-mail-howto.xml> *and have run into a 
> problem: postfix smtp does not receive mail.
> When postfix is stopped and I try "telnet localhost 25", I get a reject 
> message as I should.
> When postfix is started:
> -----
> # telnet localhost 25
> Trying
> Connected to localhost.
> Escape character is '^]'.
> -----
> And that is it.  It hangs and never sends the
> 220 mail.domain.com ESMTP Postfix
> message.
> I tried restarting portmap and have looked through the main.cf file till 
> my eyes are crossed.
> Any ideas?

Anything in the log files?

- Andrey

~ In theory, practice and theory are the same,
  but in practice they are different (Larry McVoy) ~

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