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On Friday 30 January 2004 11:53 am, Andrew Gaffney wrote:
> Joseph A. Nagy, Jr. wrote:
> > Hey guys, I have distcc and ccache installed to try and speed up
> > emerge's of large groups of packages (I am, after all, only running on a
> > PII 233MHz w/ MMX and 128MB of RAM and about 533MB of swap) and packages
> > that are just plain big and require lots of resources (such as doxygen).
> >
> > Of course distcc doesn't help unless I have distcc servers to use, so
> > any of you distcc users out there have servers you use that you could
> > recommend (along with contact info for the maintainers so I can ask
> > permission to use them)?
> Is it even practical to use distcc over the internet? I've got access to a
> Dual Athlon MP 2200+ Gentoo box on a T1. I'd definately like to use that to
> help compile stuff on my personal Athlon 1.3GHz box on DSL.

There is an option in distcc to compress up the code being sent across. Rumor 
has it, unless of course the code is unusually large, faster machines do that 
in a matter of milliseconds and you wouldn't really notice... Help on 

Someone can chime in however if they have actually done it and i am off. I 
thought I read that in the FAQ, I think.

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   "One world, one web, one program"  -- Microsoft promotional ad
         "Ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Fuehrer"  -- Adolf Hitler
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