Is anyone takling suggestions for Gentoo improvements???

A few I would like to see... in order...

1-PROGRESS BARS... man-o-man would I love a progress bar during an emerge 
update, instead of all the text that gets listed to console. And "updating 
portage cache"... WOW. That's a real friendly, informative screen update. :') 
Maybe just expanding the existing -quiet switch in emerge would be better?

2-HIDE THE GARBAGE... Do we really need to have ALL the compiler and emerge 
updated logged to the screen? See PROGRESS BARS above.

3-STARTUP SCRIPTS... Yup, Gentoo is beautiful. I use it all the time, on maybe 
a dozen computers of various architecture and brand. But I really have issue 
with the manner of organizing the system startup scripts. Could we please, 
use something more granular, more static? Like the good, old fashion SystemV 
stuff that they used in Caldera Open Linux? KDE ships with a SysV editor that 
would be a PERFECT match for something like this. I'm so tired of booting the 
laptops at work and wating for the "CACHING" to complete... If nothing else 
is done, please see PROGRESS BARS above.

4-DEVFS is a horrible beast... Have odd hardware? Have odd drivers? You gotta' 
edit the devfs config file... Blah... Please go back to using a static /dev 
directory like Linus intended. :') It's one of the FIRST things I remove from 
my Gentoo installs and it's soooo much better.

Anyone willing to work/collaborate with me on implementing suggestion 3? 

The SysV stuff is pretty well documented on the net, the Open Linux stuff can 
still be found on the net too. All that needs to be done is developing an 
ebuild that wipes out the gentoo hack and slides in a decent startup script 
package that supports the gentoo layout. Do we really need dependencies in 
the startup scripts???



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