ok am i wrong or shouldn't this config add the extra header tags to all
mail(not just spam)? if so, do you have any idea why it's not working?

i've done 'rc-update add spamd default' and even rebooted.

here are some config files.

#### start /var/qmail/control/conf-common ####

# Common Configuration file for all qmail daemons
# $Header:
1.1 2003/10/27 09:42:54 robbat2 Exp $

# Qmail User IDS to run daemons as
QMAILDUID=`id -u qmaild`
NOFILESGID=`id -g qmaild`

# Qmail Control Dir (this is actually set in /etc/env.d/99qmail)

# Host and port to listen on
# We listen on the IPv4 local ip by default

# you do not need to specify -x, -c, -u or -g in this variable as those
# added later

# we limit data and stack segments to 8mbytes, you may need to raise
this if
# you are using a filter in QMAILQUEUE
SOFTLIMIT_OPTS="-m 32000000"

# We don't have anything to set QMAILQUEUE to at the moment, so we leave
it alon
# tcpserver maximum concurrency, defaults to 40 in tcpserver
# this controls the maximum number of incoming connections that it will
[ -e ${QMAIL_CONTROLDIR}/concurrencyincoming ] &&
/concurrencyincoming) || MAXCONN=40

#### end /var/qmail/control/conf-common ####

#### start /etc/mail/spamassassin/local.cf ####

rewrite_subject 0
report_safe 0
required_hits 8
add_header all Status _YESNO_, hits=_HITS_ required=_REQD_ tests=_TESTS_
autolearn=_AUTOLEARN_ version=_VERSION_
add_header all Level _STARS(*)_

#### end /etc/mail/spamassassin/local.cf ####

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