On Sun, 2004-02-01 at 10:53, Eamon Caddigan wrote:
> Hey all,
> I'm thinking of setting up a small httpd on my desktop computer. Since I
> have a dynamic IP and no extra box to use as a "server", I just want
> something really simple that will let me serve static files, e.g.
> torrents, images, and the occasional MP3.
> Some programs that look interesting (found 'em all in portage) are: boa,
> monkeyd, cherokee, and fnord. Would anybody with experience in one or
> more of these share their opinion? Are there any others I'm missing?

We use mini-httpd at work for our internal web server. It's very small, very 
lightweight and it's about the best one I've found for that kind of purpose.


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