I'm setting up a small email server which will be used to host multiple domains and for which I want to use virtual email users, exactly like sendmail's feature: virtusertable.

I'm coming from another installation where I was just using Sendmail coupled with a small pop3 server and all the users had actual accounts on the machine. Since most of my mail users don't even need login capability, and since that compromises security anyway, I'm looking at an option where the email users are all not able to login.

So I chose to use cyrus imap w/ sasl and sendmail (and probably Squirrelmail) to accomplish this. Most of it seems to be working as I want it to w/ one exception so far. Virtual users. I'm not even talking about virtual domains yet, although I'll probably set that up so that I'm using that feature of cyrus and just having the users login w/ [EMAIL PROTECTED]

But what I want to do is use something just like sendmail's virtusertable (which was working fine for me on my old server) but also deliver all the local mail to cyrus. Right now, I'm accomplishing the latter part with these additions to sendmail.mc:

  define(`confLOCAL_MAILER', `cyrusv2')

as suggested in the cyrus documentation. And this has the effect of delivering all the mail to cyrus, but it bypasses sendmail's virtusertable processing, even though when I test that with 'sendmail -bt' the virtusertable works fine. So I've got virtusertables setup correctly, I just need to discover some way to have sendmail first run incoming mail through the virtusertable and *then* deliver it to cyrus for further processing.

Sorry about the long-winded nature of the post thus far, but my ultimate question is, does this make sense and does anyone have a pointer on where I could look to accomplish what I described in the last paragraph.


John Lawler

p.s. I saw the HOWTO on gentoo's site about doing a similar setup w/ postfix and MySQL and some other packages, but I'd prefer to go this route for now. Thanks.

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