use deadline scheduler

On Wed, 2004-02-04 at 00:25, Alan wrote:
> Hi guys... still in the middle of getting a server cut over from debian
> to gentoo and I just found some serious performance problems with mysql.
> My new hardware is a dual p3 1.13Ghz system with 2G of ECC ram running
> kernel 2.6.1 (gentoo-dev-sources) with preempt compiled.  
> The current hardware is an athlon XP1800 with 1G of ram running 2.4.24.
> Running apache benchmark (ab -n 1000 -c 50 http://blah/) on both boxes 
> on a non-database intensive page shows the new hardware to be about twice 
> as fast as the old (expected as it's got dual CPUs).
> However, when I load a search page on the UBBThreads (php based forums) 
> board that is running on the box and do a long search ("this and that or
> the other thing") I see a HUGE performance hit :( 
> Based on 'time wget "http://url-with-search"; -O /dev/null' the query on the 
> old box take about .13s but on the new (stage 2 set up and fully tuned)
> server take 39s!!!!!
> I ran "ab -n 1000 -c 5 <search url>" and it's *still going* while on the
> old box (debian unstable) it's been done for ages.  Not only that but
> the load from running ab is up to 7.6 on the gentoo box but barely
> blipped on the old system.
> The new system has Mysql 4.0.16 and is compiled with CFLAGS of:
> -O2 -march=pentium3 -fprefetch-loop-arrays -funroll-loops -pipe
> and USE flags of:
> -static +readline +innodb +berkdb +tcpd +ssl +perl -debug 
> Currently using the example my-huge.conf file for my configuration.
> The old system is debian mysql-server version 4.0.14-1.
> Any clue as to what could be making it so slow?
Regards, Redeeman
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