Found an answer for this in #mozilla at Turn off "find as you type". Apparently it's an old bug and got a lot of flack for even asking this (as well as for using *nix) in that channel. Oh well, kind of hard to search for a bug when you can't type in your browser.

Neil Rachynski -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Neil Rachynski wrote:
Played around with this a bit more and mozilla locks up whenever I press any key on the keyboard, not just the backspace or delete keys. That kind of defeats the purpose of a browser I would think...

Neil Rachynski -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Neil Rachynski wrote:

Unmerged acroread-5.08 but still same issue with Mozilla freezing whenever I press the backspace or delete key. Anyone else with any ideas?

Neil Rachynski -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Valmor de Almeida wrote:

I had this problem when looking at pdf documents with mozilla.
Acroread would open the document into mozilla and if I pressed
the back button mozilla would lock. I moved from mozilla to mozillafirebird
and the problem persisted. Then I got rid of acroread and the problem
went away. I now use xpdf for view pdf files.



I have two issues which may or may not be related to each other.

1> After rebooting my PC this morning, the default font in fluxbox became very,
very small (looks to be about 6 pt). I am have not emerged anything as of late
other than build a new kernel for a tulip driver for my new NIC.

2> Whenever I press the backspace or delete key while in Mozilla (also happens
in Mozilla Firebird and Epiphany), the browser locks up completely. I am
currently using Mozilla 1.5-r1 and Mozilla Firebird 0.7.

Anyone see this before?

Neil Rachynski -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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