yes you do need dietlibc :)

Ernie Schroder wrote:

On Friday 06 February 2004 11:22 am, Ernie Schroder wrote:

On Friday 06 February 2004 10:21 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Le fév février à 15:36:20 Ernie Schroder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a

écrit notamment:

I've been looking for documentation on genkernel 3.0.1_beta9
and not having a lot of luck. What I want to do is build
2.6.1-gentoo. From /usr/src, I did:

ln -sf linux-2.6.1-gentoo linux && cd linux


# genkernel -- menuconfig --install all
GenKernel v3.0.1_beta9
* ARCH: x86
* KERNEL VER: 2.4.20-gentoo-r7

genkernel believes you want to configure your 2.4.20 kernel, I
think because you did not type "rm linux" before creating a new
symlink (check with ls -l)
As for the doc, man genkernel is quite clear; after reading it I
had no more problems with it

Doesn't the "f" option force the symbolic link? Hmmm guess not. I
removed and recreated the link and all seems well now. Thanks Jean.

Genkernel failed.(see below) Do I need to emerge dietlibc here?

make: execvp: ./ Permission denied
ar cru bin-i386/libpthread.a bin-i386/__testandset.o
gcc -Iinclude -pipe -nostdinc -Wall -W -Wchar-subscripts -Wmissing-prototypes -Wmissing-declarati
ons -Wno-switch -Wredundant-decls -Wno-unused -nostdlib -o bin-i386/diet bin-i386/start.o bin-i386
/dyn_start.o diet.c bin-i386/dietlibc.a bin-i386/dyn_stop.o -DDIETHOME=\"/tmp/dietlibc-0.24\" -DVE
RSION=\"dietlibc-0.24\" -lgcc
strip -R .comment -R .note bin-i386/diet
gcc -Iinclude -pipe -nostdinc -Wall -W -Wchar-subscripts -Wmissing-prototypes -Wmissing-declarati
ons -Wno-switch -Wredundant-decls -Wno-unused -nostdlib -o bin-i386/diet-i bin-i386/start.o bin-i3
86/dyn_start.o diet.c bin-i386/dietlibc.a bin-i386/dyn_stop.o -DDIETHOME=\"/tmp/diet\" -DVERSION=\
"dietlibc-0.24\" -DINSTALLVERSION -lgcc
strip -R .comment -R .note bin-i386/diet-i
bin-i386/diet gcc -pipe -nostdinc -Wall -W -Wchar-subscripts -Wmissing-prototypes -Wmissing-decla
rations -Wno-switch -Wredundant-decls -Wno-unused -o bin-i386/elftrunc contrib/elftrunc.c
make: execvp: bin-i386/diet: Permission denied
make: *** [bin-i386/elftrunc] Error 127
* gen_die(): compile of prefix=/tmp/diet failed
* Please see /var/log/genkernel.log for more info on failures

not much I can see in the log that is of help

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