begin  quote
On Sat, 7 Feb 2004 19:21:13 +0100

> On Sat, Feb 07, 2004 at 06:58:29PM +0100, Peter Eis wrote:
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > 

> Any other tip on how I can get things working again?

I'll repeat myself from previous :

Look in /etc/env.d/05gcc, check the variable LDPATH there.

check that the same path exists for real.   if they differ, things are
bad. Change the configuration to reflect reality.

Check that /etc/ contains this information as well (the -REAL-

rerun ldconfig afterwards.
try again the broken apps.

Check that you never, ever. ever. ever. (need I repeat again) changed
the CHOST variable in /etc/make.conf once you were past the initial

Your problem :  gcc is flaked out and the system doesn't find your gcc
c++ files.


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