This is my first time setting up a mailing list and I'm still a little
shakey, so bear with me if these are dumb questions.  :-)

I have emerged fetchmail, mailman, and postfix.  I think I have mailman
and postfix playing nice together finally; however, I have a couple of
(hopefully) small issues with my fetchmail setup.

I'm running under the assumption that my .fetchmailrc file should be
under /usr/local/mailman (where the system thinks mailman's home dir
is).  In that file I have this:

# wake fetchmail daemon up every 60 seconds
set daemon 60

# mailinglist1 mailing list
poll protocol pop3
        username mailinglist1uid with
        password secretword, is mailinglist1 here;
poll protocol pop3
        username mailinglist1requestuid with
        password secretword, is mailinglist1-request here;
poll protocol pop3
        username mailinglist1adminuid with
        password secretword, is mailinglist1-admin here;

# mailinglist2 mailing list
poll protocol pop3
        username mailinglist2uid with
        password secretword, is mailinglist2 here;
poll protocol pop3
        username mailinglist2requestuid with
        password secretword, is mailinglist2-request here;
poll protocol pop3
        username mailinglist2adminuid with
        password secretword, is mailinglist2-admin here;

# mailinglist3 mailing list
poll protocol pop3
        username mailinglist3uid with
        password secretword, is mailinglist3 here;
poll protocol pop3
        username mailinglist3requestuid with
        password secretword, is mailinglist3-request here;
poll protocol pop3
        username mailinglist3adminuid with
        password secretword, is mailinglist3-admin here;

My first problem is simply that when I run "/etc/init.d/fetchmail start"
I get an error telling me that there is no /etc/fetchmailrc file.  Well,
of course, the error is correct that I don't have such a file.  What
should go in it?  I assume that the mailing list fetchmial config stuff
needs to stay in the mailman dir, but if I'm wrong, let me know.  A
google search and a ton of playing with it hasn't helped me.  :(

Secondly, as this if the first time I've done this, it would be nice to
get some feedback on the .feetchmailrc file I detailed above.  Is this
what it's supposed to look like when I have multiple lists running on
this box?  Do I need the create a new user for each list or will the "is
mailinglist1 here" be interpreted and handled by mailman properly?  When
I do get fetchmail daemon running, does it cycle through all users
looking for fetchmailrc fiels to run or do I need to tell it about the
mailman .fetchmailrc file somehow?

Being a complete newbie wrt mailinglists, any help at all will be most


-Tom Caudron

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

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