On Wed, 2004-02-11 at 22:00, blade- wrote:
> Hi All,
> This is OT but I will ask anyway.
> Is anyone running bind 9.2 getting anything like this in there logs:
> Feb 12 13:55:35.938 general: error: socket.c:1111: unexpected error:
> Feb 12 13:55:35.938 general: error: internal_send: 

This is a total guess on my part, but maybe something is sending out a
multicast ( is a multicast address) stream of somesort
and is using udp port 53 which cause your DNS to mis-interpert the
packet as DNS name lookup. Try using tcpdump or ethereal and see if your
are receiving these packets from somewhere, the packet should have the a
valip IP address of the source sending the packets. 


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