On Thu, 12 Feb 2004 11:35:46 -0800
"Mike Adolf" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Greetings,
> This is my first exposure to gentoo.  The 2CD GRP install went
> smoothly until I got to the lilo configuration.  The lilo.conf file
> example wanted to install lilo in the MBR of hda (my window disk, I
> have a second disk with gentoo).  I don't want this, so I quit the
> install.  I would like to use NTLDR, windows boot manager.  It is very
> simple, you just run bootpart to add a second boot to boot.ini.  I
> know this because I used it when I tried Debian. Does any know how to
> use NTLDR with Gentoo?

But the NT boot loader was not booting linux; it was just handing
off to your linux boot loader.  You'll still have to install LILO (or
GRUB, etc.). Installl LILO on your other hd, and use bootpart.  

Barry Marler
Information Analyst II
Center for Applied Genetic Technologies
University of Georgia
Athens, GA 

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