On Thu, 12 Feb 2004 20:10:50 -0600
TriKster Abacus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Gentoo Lists wrote:
> > I don't want to feed this but what it really comes down to is if
> > your not happy use the 2.4 kernels or make friendly constructive
> > comments on the Kernel mailing lists 
> Umm... that is complete bull, 
> So what happens next? Are you going to have me banned from the list, 
> because of my opinions?
> Get off your high horse and get a clue.

[ lots of drivel deleted ]

If I didn't know better, I would say it's full of the moon.  Maybe both
of you could ride a little lower on the horse.

Collins - Denver Area - 
Gentoo stable kernel 2.6.2-rc1

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