I've been having this problem ever since I installed gentoo. I use ssh under Cygwin to login to my Gentoo box, and I've noticed whenever I try to look at 'top', when it goes fullscreen, it seems to put one character past the end of the line that the cygwin terminal can display, so that character wraps to the next line and makes everything look messed up.

One fix I tried was to make the command window of Cygwin go to 81 characters (instead of 80), and this seemed to solve my problem for awhile, but now it's back. I don't really notice this problem in any other applications. Furthermore, on a couple of Red Hat machines I have around, I never have had this problem through Cygwin, looking at the top application output.

Anyone have a similar experience? Any pointers? My TERM env var is set to "cygwin".



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