This has also crossed my mind... I admit it really _does_ sound like
conspiration theory, but then again i believe that micro$oft would not
stop at _anything_ to get its way. Even if that means using such
I just hope for the sake of Linux, all of its users, and in the
long run "freedom of code" (as in freedom of speech) that nobody that
stupid to do a copy-paste into an OSS project gets their hands on that
damn code

On Fri, 13 Feb 2004 13:40:46 -0600
Matt Garman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> hat scares me, truly, is that it only takes one bonehead to do a copy
> and paste job from the MS code to a (previously) legitimate OSS
> application.  And, as you say, that gives Microsoft, with their vast
> financial and legal resources, an opportunity to start doing a lot of
> damage to the OSS world.
> I'm probably overly paranoid, but part of me is thinking about a
> conspiracy.  Even if it's not a conspiracy, you've got to admit that
> Microsoft is pretty good at taking advantage of circumstances, and
> working things to their favor.  I'm sure someone there will figure out
> a way to use this "opportunity" to kill Linux---as many have
> suggested, Microsoft's (and SCO's) only way to beat OSS is through
> manipulation of the legal system.
> I hope this isn't the first step towards the criminalization of Linux.


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