On Sun, 15 Feb 2004 18:34:41 -0600 Jeff Smelser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
| On Sunday 15 February 2004 06:24 pm, Grendel wrote:
| > On Sun, 15 Feb 2004, Jeff Smelser uttered the following immortal
| > words,
| >
| > > dd if=/dev/cdrom of=/whatever/whatever.iso
| >
| > Somehow this command doesnt work for certain game cd's. One result
| > is that the cd drive tried endlessly to read data at a sector and
| > then gives up saying it is bad. I guess that this must be due to
| > safe disc or some other protection. The cd isnt bad it works fine.
| I was assuming legal cd's.. Not pirating things.. You need special cd
| rippers for that stuff. (from what I hear)

In many countries you have the legal right to make a backup copy of CDs,
so dd'ing game CDs isn't necessarily illegitemate. It's a shame that
certain dishonest manufacturers ship 'CDs' that are intentionally broken
and not specification-compliant.

Ciaran McCreesh
Mail:    ciaranm at gentoo.org
Web:     http://dev.gentoo.org/~ciaranm

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