u mean over my existing distribution... i.e. owerwrite !?
isnt there danger to break something ?!

|On Thu, 2004-02-26 at 01:21, raptor wrote:
|> hi,
|> I want to reinstall my gentoo, the problem is that i want to reistall it as I work 
on my current gentoo w/o 
|> repartitioning...
|> Can I install gentoo on a directory under root...i.e.
|> chroot /mynewgentoo /bin/bash
|> then install as usual...what I should set in GRUB..
|> What about of the possibility when everything runs OK..
|> to move the whole installation into '/'
|-----Forwarded Message----- 
|From: Collins Richey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
|Subject: Re: [gentoo-user] Gentoo 2004
|Date: Wed, 25 Feb 2004 15:01:57 -0700
|Presuming that you have some addition disk space, i.e. an empy <> 5 gig
|partition (I don't ever create /boot), just download the stage 1-2-or-3
|2004 tarball and run the install, etc. from your existing system.  Even
|if you only have dialup, you can do the downloads (and eventually emerge
|-f...) overnight.  That way, you can browse the net, play mp3s, exchange
|emails, etc. from your existing system while building the new one.
|Also, you don't have to exit the chroot environment after building your
|basic system.  You can continue to build all the extras you need from
|the chroot environment.  The only thing I've found that doesn't work
|from chroot is the nvidia modueles.
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