On Wed, 03 Mar 2004 09:42:53 -0500
Larry Schuler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>  > You missed one other option, do without. That is what I am doing.
> Exactly.
> I would love to have one of those new Ferrari's. But, oh my, they're
> too expensive, and my poor little self can't afford one on my piddly
> salary. So, should I just go steal one????
> Bruce E. Harris wrote:
> > You missed one other option, do without. That is what I am doing.
> > 
> > On Tuesday 02 March 2004 07:08 pm, Bruce E. Harris wrote:
> > 
> >>>I know that 300$ is nothing in your world with people being payed
> >that>>much in a day (if say a doctor worked in your country he might
> >get close>>to 300$ a day), but few people here have a salary in that
> >range over>>here.
> >>>
> >>>So we have several options,
> >>>1. Buy the exorbitantly priced software.
> >>>2. Buy a pirated cd of the software (.5$)
> >>>3. Download a cracked vesion of the sofware.
> >>>
> >>>Grendel
> > 

You guys are obviously too far down the intellectual ladder.  If you
have high enough IQ, you can see right through all this personal
integrity and moral honesty crap; just take whatever you want.  What's
the old saying among gang bangers - "What you see is what you get!" 
Doing without is only for the poor schmucks who play by the rules. 
Makes me want to head right down to Best Buy and rip off a laptop or
(more likely) to puke!!!

Collins Richey - Denver area
gentoo testing 2.6.3-rc2 nptl udev

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