My partner and me developed a Gentoo based embedded Firewall/Router system. We decided to use Gentoo simply because of the easy to manage update cycle. In our opinion Portage is just superior over dselect, yast or rpm.

Joel Merrick schrieb:
Hi guys,

I'm in a dilemma whether to develop a commercial network product
(basically a glorified firewall with fancy features) with Gentoo or

The problem is this... updates.

While I could build a great Gentoo setup in my sleep for this, I'm not
sure as to how to run the update procedure.

Seeing as the device would not be suited for compilation (I don't want
to waste clock cycles compiling updates) then I'd have to go the GRP and
binary route. While this is perfectly feasible in Gentoo, the emerge
sync and portage overlay is occluding my understanding. I can't get it
figured out in my head the way I'd want to do it...

The main points are;

* Has to be binary based - all boxes will be same architecture
(athlon-xp -- sempron basically)

* Has to have a seperate update, not linked to the main portage tree, so
that I can test packages and mark them stable BEFORE they go into the
tree for emerge sync to pick up.

* Has to support non-portage based binaries too (Frox being an example,
it's got an ebuild, but not in portage, but could build the binary)

With Debian I could setup the box easily and use apt-get with my own sources.list pointing to my server for updates. However I wouldn't have the flexibility of USE="-*" (I don't think) and packages would generally be a little behind Gentoo (as I understand it)

Has anyone evert tried similar or have any thoughts on this?

Any help GREATLY appreciated -  as always!

-- Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Heinz Sporn

SPORN it-freelancing

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