On Thursday 06 January 2005 08:34 am, Joe LaPenna wrote:
> You've verified that this does not occur after you've loaded a non KDE
> but QT application, and that the problem does not occur when you load
> a non QT non KDE application?

Thank you for pushing me farther!  I did some more testing and found that the 
problem only occured when I loaded an application that sourced my .bashrc.  
This happened of course in Konsole, and Konqueror does that too b/c of the way 
I've setup my filemanagement profile.  The offending lines in my .bashrc that 
caused the deadlock?  

xmodmap -e "pointer = 1 2 3 6 7 4 5"
xmodmap -e 'keycode 233 = F20'
xmodmap -e 'keycode 234 = F19'

Is there a problem with these lines? I tried putting them in my .bash_profile 
and starting tpb from ~/.kde/Autostart, but that didn't work either.  So, I 
took a look at /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc and it looks like it does `xmodmap 
$HOME/.Xmodmap'.  I assumed that was my home directory, so I added the lines 
there, but that didn't work either.  Any ideas there?

I'd guess putting xmodmap commands in .bashrc isn't the best thing to do, but 
is there an acceptable reason why this causes deadlock with tpb?  Again, 
there's more info about the lock xmodmap and tpb are fighting over in the URL 
provided in the top post.


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