fire-eyes wrote:
I would like a command run when I log in via GDM. It wouldn't be putting
it in ~/.xinitrc , because I have startkde in there from my startx days.
And now I use gnome.

Where should I put this command to be run after I've logged in via GDM?

each display manager (GDM, KDM XDM) starts a script called Xsession and tels it which session you selected. Xsession is responsible for doing some initializations and firing up your session.
KDM uses /usr/kde/3.3/share/config/kdm/Xsession
GDM uses /etc/X11/gdm/Xsession
XDM uses /etc/X11/xdm/Xsession

the all differ in few things ;), but for some time now, KDM's and GDM's xsession sources the file ~/.xprofile, so you can put your commands there and they will be executed just before any session you choose in gdm.

XDM's and GDM's xsession does merge ~/.Xresource and also uses ~/.Xmodmap, KDM's does not...

and so on ;)
maybe sometime they'll just start using one common Xsession script that would do thing in one coherent way ;)

or maybe gentoo should enforce all gdm configs to use one default...

YoYo () Siska

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