On Sun, 9 Jan 2005 13:05:29 -0800, Kevin O'Gorman wrote:

> Tell me how you examine 300 unfamiliar diffs in ten minutes.

You don't. You apply those you have time to look at and leave the rest
until later. If something stops working, you check its config files first.

On the other hand, it you -5 the lot, you can't go back, unless you kept
a list the the files first and have backups. Most config file changes are
trivial, and it is safer to not apply them than apply them blindly. this
is especially true with etc-update, where it will happily overwrite
critical files, like fstab and passwd. At least dispatch-conf provides a
means of protecting these files.

Neil Bothwick

"Doing it right is no excuse for not meeting the schedule."

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