Along these lines, can anyone recommend a gentoo-friendly web calendar, which would allow a small group of people to each have their own
calendar, and to optionally overlay one or more calendar on top of
another? For instance, my wife and I would maintain separate calendars,
but if I were trying to schedule an event with her, I might overlay hers
on mine to seen when we both were free.


iirc it's not in portage, but it instalation involvest just extracting it somewhere (plus setting .htacces maybe)

it works with ical files, either local, or on a webdav server, can display multiple ical files together.
But i don't know how goot is it at editing, because I use it just to display stuf and use mozilla/firefox/thunderbird calendar extension to edit it...

Hi YoYo,

Thanks for the tip. I've been researching the options you suggest and am learning a lot.

I guess I need to set up a webdav server, to serve my calendars to
remote clients (including myself). I gather too that Apache can do webdav. Can anyone point me at a howto or other tips for

    gentoo + apache + webdav

wel, for apache there's mod_dav (in portage), but when I tried it worked only with apache 1 and not 2 (which I had installed) and I din't play with it.
There's some python implementation, but that's only a package of clases one can use to build a webdav server with an simple example, and didn't play with it either. I simply put the calendar file on an existing server ;).

I use the calendar extension for firefox/thunderbird mostly.
In theory other tools operating on ical files and able of using webdav should work with it too, but when i last time tried to use firefox and korganizer together, they had some probles with the file the other one produced... but that was some time ago..
I wanted to play around with korganizer's alarm daemon in kde... to show me remainders but wanted to edit the calendar with mozilla, because I liked it more..

And i have phpicalendar on my webpage in an readonly mode, for my friends to see my calendar...

-- _ | YoYo () Siska =================== http://www.ksp.sk/

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