Daniel G. Siegel wrote:
my configuration looks like this: safe_mode=off, GD2 installed
php4.3, mysql4.0. I can't use gallery.sf.net, it doesn't work on the
server. Thanks for advices.

FWIW, I managed to get Gallery working last month under Gentoo, but it was a bit painful.

1. Install Gallery
2. webapp-config Gallery
3. realize that Gallery doesn't like latest imagemagick after an hour of poking it
4. echo ">=media-gfx/imagemagick-6.1" >> /etc/portage/package.mask and emerge again followed by webapp-config
5. spend another hour in a silent fit of rage while it still doesn't work and hoping that the nice coffee girl won't call the cops
6. Realize that it's just a path problem that might have been in the code, caused by trying to fix the imagemagick issue, or screwing around with webapp
7. Move down the street a bit to find something stronger than coffee

If you don't need the latest and greatest imagemagick it should work, else you'll need to wait for Gallery 1.5 to be released. You can use the other image kit, NPM or something, but I had problems trying to get it configured as well.


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