J. Patrick Campbell wrote:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~/xmms-crossfade-0.3.8 $ azureus
changeLocale: no message properties for Locale 'English (United States)'
(en_US), using 'English (default)'
java: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/libswt-gnome-gtk-3106.so: undefined
symbol: gnome_vfs_init
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~/xmms-crossfade-0.3.8 $

Did it work before? What's different? Do you have gnome-vfs installed (Azureus seems to like GNOME being around, despite being a Java app; probably due to the fact that the GUI is GTK2). If some parts of GNOME are not installed, you will get errors, I have found. Atm, I'm using Azureus under my temporary installation of SuSE (where I removed GNOME because GNOME is just insanely borked under SuSE, which likes KDE). Azureus (from the homepage download) still runs without GNOME, but gives me some error output in the console that it can't find the theme engine, presumably because I removed that engine with all the other half-borked GNOME stuff, like gconf. Under Gentoo, where I did have gnome-light installed, I had no problems whatsoever with Azureus.

The locale message is irrelevant (since the program does find an alternative), but this business

java: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/libswt-gnome-gtk-3106.so: undefined
symbol: gnome_vfs_init

seems to be a problem. I'd check


and try to track it down-- but knowing what you did different between the last time it did work and now would probably help narrow the field some ;-) .


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