On Mon, 20 Dec 2004, Tomek wrote:

> Hallo,
> With the most recent gentoo-dev-sources kernel (2.6.9=gentoo-r9),
> but also with other kernels from 2.6 branch, I have been constantly
> experinecing DVD reading, CD writteing erros. To focus only on
> DVD issue: When I try to play a media or simply copy it to hdd
> I get the following errors:
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> end_request: I/O error, dev hdc, sector 11059272
> Buffer I/O error on device hdc, logical block 1382409
> hdc: command error: status=0x51 { DriveReady SeekComplete Error }
> hdc: command error: error=0x50
> ide: failed opcode was 100
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> It does not happen when I read data DVDs.
> I have DMA and "Use multi-mode" options set.
> Any hints ?
> Thanks,
> Tomek

I also had problems with CDRW. My user somehow *fall out* from CDROM and
CDRW group. Doublecheck that your user is in CDROM, CDRW and DVD group.
And of course don't try IDE-SCSI. It isn't recommended under 2.6.x.

Tamas Sarga
A day is 24 hours long.                 Egy nap 24 órából áll.
A box of beer contains 24 bottles.      Egy tálcán 24 üveg sör van.
I don't believe in coincidence.         Nem hiszek a véletlen egybeesésekben.

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