The two utilities that come to mind are ifconfig and route.  ifconfig
should list the network interfaces including any ppp interfaces that you
may have to an ISP.  The real thing that I would look into is the route
command and specifically the default route.  If you have two ISP
connections but do not run a routing program then the routing will be
handled by static tables (shown w/ route -- use -n to avoid DNS lookups)
and the key is the default route.  I'm just guessing here but I would
bet that the route to one ISP has just that ISP's addresses in the table
but the second ISP has a default route that sends everything without an
explicit route through it.  It is the second one that went down and the
first one has a limited routing entry only for itself thereby preventing
you from sending anything through it.  Assuming that the first ISP is
going to stay down then just set the default route to point through the
second one.  If your ppp scripts have 'set default route' enabled then
the last one executed is the one that counts; make sure that the ISP
that is still up is the last connection made.

An alternative is to use a routing program like routed.
boater/Whitewater Paddler

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