On Thursday 13 January 2005 16:14, Dave Nebinger wrote:

> The thing I love about gentoo (and LFS) is the fact that you can get a
> base system installed without all of the additional cruft...

First thing I do with a new PC is reformat and reinstall Windows with a 
proper stand alone Windows CD. I don't want what the restore CD gives me, 
dozens of programs the PC manufacturer thinks I should have at the 
exclusion of the ones I do want. So your statement above  rings very true 
for me.

Gentoo has come as a very big culture shock for me and the learning curve is 
steep. It's the above two points, learning and having a "Clean" 
installation that I am finding so enjoyable.

I tried Red Hat a year or so ago and joined a mailing list similar to this. 
Every question I asked or any new comers asked was met with contempt and 
the full extent of answers were "RTFM" or "If you can't do that on your own 
you shouldn't be using Linux" Needless to say 20 minutes later SuSE was 
back up and running, at least it was up until last Friday.

Bad experiences like that can make one very cautious when posting to a new 
list. Maybe I picked a bad one I don't know but this one certainly seems 
different and I'll certainly try not to feel embarrassed to pose a 

My kernel has just finished compiling with bt848 support so if it doesn't 
work this time I may well have a few questions... Watch this space :)

Thank you all for your words of support and kindness. 

Gentoo Linux.
Registered Linux user #316959

gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

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