Maybe you can try this command as an alias for firefox?:
tor && firefox
On successful launch of tor, it will launch firefox.  Put it in your .bashrc file like so:
alias mozilla="tor && firefox"
because there is probably already a mozilla alias pointing to firefox.


On Fri, 2005-01-14 at 20:35, Holly Bostick wrote:
Joseph wrote:
> On Sat, 2005-01-15 at 00:19 +0100, Holly Bostick wrote:
>>Joseph wrote:
>>>Before starting Firefox I need to start another program.  
>>>I have three profiles and want to start one program before starting
>>>Firefox on one of the profiles.
>>>Does anybody knows which file I need to edit?
>>Do you mean 3 Firefox profiles for one user, or three user logins for 
>>the system?
> Yes, I have three profiles when starting Firefox for one one usre.
> - one for browsing about 7 tabs open
> - accounting 4 tabs open
> - secure anonymous browsing using tor (this is the profile I would like
> to start tor before starting Firefox).

In that case, someone may know a better way to do it, but I would write 
a bash script that started the program tor, and then firefox using the 
specific profile. I don't remember the command-line options to do this 
atm, but I know they exist and should be easy to find with firefox 
--help. Oh, OK, I just ran that to make sure it was a legal command, so 
the switch you'd want is:

         -P <profile>            Start with <profile>.

Once that's done, you can run the script from an alias, or an 
icon/menu/panel/launcher, or of course directly from the terminal.


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