On Sat, 2005-01-15 at 23:12 +0000,
>                                  From: 
>         Covington, Chris
>         <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>                                    To: 
>                               Subject: 
>         RE: [gentoo-user] qmail and
>         gentoo
>                                  Date: 
>         Sat, 15 Jan 2005 15:56:21 -0500
>         (Sun, 05:56 KST)
>         > Is anyone here running qmail on gentoo 2.6.10 ?
>         > I've been trying for the better part of 8 hours to get
>         sendmail to run
>         > with no luck.  The tech at my isp said that qmail would be a
>         lot
>         simpler 
>         > and easier to get up and running.  I need to get a mail
>         system running
>         > on this box!
>         Look into Postfix.  It's very easy to setup (sendmail isn't)
>         and is
>         actively maintained (qmail isn't).
>         Chris
I would go with Qmail.  I just spend the better part of two days setting
up postfix. After I finnaly got everything up and working I realized
that in order to get postfix doing what I want I have a convuluted mess
of hacks to get various programs to talk to each other (and clear text
passwords spread throughout my system).. 

So I took postfix off and when back to Qmail.. 10 min setup for almost
everything I want (local users, virutal domains, and SSL/TLS)

The only reason I tried postfix is because I wanted to play with Mia
MailGuard. But It's not worth it. I will figure out another way to give
virutal users individual spamassassin config files.

Steve B.

gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

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