you can always change back till you get it to work

On Sun, 2005-01-16 at 12:30 +0000, Peng wrote:
> On 01/16/05 17:23, Douglas James Dunn wrote:
> > I would really suggest trying to switch eventually though it should work
> > on 2.6.9 but there is a lot of bug fixes on 2.6.10.  It shouldnt work
> > too much different from your kernel you have now you just have to make
> > sure you have all the correct kernel modules loaded for your hardware.
> > once you have all the correct kernel modules compiled for new kernel.
> > It wouldnt be like a switch from 2.4 to 2.6.  between 2.6.9 and 2.6.10
> > there shouldnt be too many huge differences.   There's a lot of bug
> > fixes, its the best they made so far
> > 
> > the only ones I use are the agpgart cipset alsa NIC and nvidia which
> > gets compiled from.  But personally i wouldnt worry about upgading to
> > the new version of the kernel breaking anything. it could possibly even
> > fix things rather than break them.
> Meh. I will go change to 2.6.10 right now, it's just that it took me a 
> good amount of time and a good number of threads on the Gentoo forum 
> before I got it to work, so I'm kind of afraid of touching the kernel. :P
> --
> mailing list
Douglas James Dunn
cell: (724) 316-8266
Secretary Phi Mu Delta Mu Theta chapter
Indiana University of Pennsylvania 

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