my Pentium 2 is still chugging away right here next to me, best little
firewall i ever had.

On Sun, 2005-01-16 at 19:06 +0100, Volker Armin Hemmann wrote:
> On Sunday 16 January 2005 05:04, Ted Ozolins wrote:
> >
> > We the consumers are to blame for that. For years we have accepted
> > cheaper faster bleeding edge gadgets and never complained. We buy newer
> > cars, the latest home entertainment gadgets and very seldom look at the
> > finish of the product. If the automotive industry had tried to sell us
> > plastic interior el cheapo looking vehicles in the 60's or 79's as they
> > do today, we'd have run them out of town. Today we accept them without
> > as much as a hint of disgust. As long as we want cheaper, faster and
> > more, they'll make more cheaper, faster.
> I would not only blame the consumers...
> 70years ago, you could buy a vacuum cleaner, that would also work as blower 
> and kitchen machine. This old stuff is still working.
> Buy a vacuum cleaner today, and it will be broken after 2-3 years.
> Today, stuff is built to break as soon as the warranty period is over. NO 
> manufacturer wants, that you are able to use his stuff for years... 
> Cheap, cheaper the cheapest is one side, but even if you buy highprized 
> stuff, 
> you will get crap. That is the real problem. You can not flee the crap 
> anymore :(
> Shorttime money and 'shareholder value' is more important, than costumer 
> satisfication....
> --
> mailing list
Douglas James Dunn
cell: (724) 316-8266
Secretary Phi Mu Delta Mu Theta chapter
Indiana University of Pennsylvania 

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