David Corbin wrote:

On Sunday 16 January 2005 03:35 pm, Alec wrote:

2) I've tried to "emerge arabeyes-fonts" to see what's masking it. I get
the same error.

   If you actually read the above, you will see:

!!! One of the following masked packages is required to complete your
request: - media-fonts/arabeyes-fonts-1.1 (masked by: ~x86 keyword)

   It's masked by the ~x86 keyword, you will need to keyword it in

Actually, I did read it (several times before I figured it out). Correct me if I'm wrong, ~x86 is "experimental" or "developer", right? How about an emerge option that says "ignore all experimental" packages?

There is no stable version of that package, and in both cases you are explictly asking portage to 'emerge arabeyes-fonts' ( although in the first case in a roundabout way ). If you explicitly ask it to install something it shouldn't ignore the package because it's masked and no stable version is available. It should tell you it's masked and that it can't isntall it, which it does.


gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

Alec Warner
Spartasoft Secretary ( spartasoft.msu.edu )
Junior Computer Science
Michigan State University

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