> gdesklets is also one memory hog.(40MB)
> nautilus (40MB)
> xmms (25MB)
> SLAPD (35MB)
> APACHE(29MB, each I think )
> SPAMD (25MB, each?)

You might want to go lightwieght during the emerges.  Stop Apache for
instance.  Or, for a laptop, unless there is something really specific
that apache provides, dump it and use monkeyd.

If you really need apache, par it down to just two server instances.  no
need to tie up xtra resources if it's not necessary.

And if you haven't, minimize xmms - that eye candy eats memory, as well as
uses disk i/o.  Same with nautilus.  Not only are you swapping, the laptops
i/o bandwidth is being eaten into by a lot of eye-candy - dma accesses from
memory to gfx.  File updates for processes idling around, mostly doing little
if nothing. 

If your willing to give up a bit of desktop integration, you might try something
like fluxbox with rox.  You can get icons on the desktop with a fairly decent
file manager with a lot less weight.  Same thing with web browsers - dillo
works well for most sites without having to pull out the heavyweight - firefox,
or the battleship - mozilla.


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