Bastian Balthazar Bux wrote:

Think that he was pointing that on this list few person have that kind of knowledge.
And so it's difficult for you have an adeguate answer. For example gentoo-server should be a better try.
Optionally if you want to put an "off-topic" argument in whatever list you should mark it "[OT]" or similar. Who read it is more psicologicaly prepared to read an off-topic and so can chose to ignore it or to answer or to point you on the right place.

best regards
francesco riosa


I disagree, I've found that there are quite a few very knowledgeable members on this list. I've seen many posts here re: setting up mail servers, web servers and security issues for just about anything in respect to the net. With the amount of mail generated by this list daily, shows that there is a very large (diverse) audience here. I do agree with the [OT] use in matters such as this, it cuts down on some of the sarcasm generated by such a post. However, such replies generate even more sarcasm and useless unnecessary posts<G>. I've found that posts re: security have served as a "heads up" for others maintaining <type of server> on the net.


Ted Ozolins(VE7TVO)
Westbank, B. C

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