Christoph Eckert wrote:
Is this really necessary? Grow up.

Unsupported Operating System
If you were visiting this site with Linux, you could
install thousands of applications simply with a klik. You
can download a free copy of Linux here. Please come back
with a standards compliant operating system and browser.

This site is optimized for Konqueror and Firefox.

What browser did you use? I really dislike pages with messages like this. I tried lynx and I could read it without limitations.

Best regards


I went by with Firefox (Linux) and also didn't see that message. Since the site is for installing Linux pre-compiled binaries, I would think that you only get such a message if your UA is some Windows browser string, and since Linux pre-compiled binaries are useless to what appears to be a Windows user, I don't see the message as objectionable per se.

The tone is a bit of a dig, but I've seen enough "optimized for IE" pages that wouldn't display properly (and even some that refused to load on purpose) under Netscape/Mozilla (Windows), that I can see why one might enjoy the shoe being on the other foot a bit too much.


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