Hello Bob,

Friday, January 21, 2005, 8:49:11 PM, you wrote:

BS> With a possible exception of possible video encoding in your
BS> video card if it has an R300 (ATI 9600) or higher chip.

I think I already said my card is Radeon 9600xt so I sssume it does have
that chip.

BS> So, it's missing DRI.  In your /etc/X11/xorg.conf, uncomment the
BS> last 3 lines - 
BS> # Section "DRI"
BS> #    Mode 0666
BS> # EndSection

They are not hashed out, I sent my xorg.conf to the list earlier.

BS> That can be caused by other things in your system.

Yes, Gentoo :) I've had the WinTV card for years and years now and it has
always worked perfect and still does. It works fine (Automatically) with
SuSE and worked perfect when I booted off my Knoppix CD  earlier today.

BS> How about some hardware details on your system - chips, memory type and
BS> speed, cpu type and speed, etc.?

It's a Pentium P4 2.4Ghz, 120Mb hard Drive, ATI Radeon 9600xt graphic card
with 512Mb DDR Ram.

4718.59 bogomips... How many bogomips does it take to change a lightbulb,
or in this case run a WinTV card :)

The Bat!
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