On Friday 21 January 2005 23:53, Nick Smith wrote:

> [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~ $ date
> Fri Jan 21 16:43:56 EST 2005
> Password:
> laptux nick # date
> Fri Jan 21 16:44:01 EST 2005
> they are both in sync together, just both out of sync with the real
> time, my flux clock says its 9:44,

I never used flux. So I can't help you there. Still, it would be interesting 
to know which time was right. If none of them, what was the correct time when 
you did it?

> my localtime is linked to:
> localtime -> /usr/share/zoneinfo/US/Eastern,
> and i doubt its a battery issue, cause i have 4 gentoo boxes going and
> they all have different times, none correct, this is the only one i have
> messed with ntp on, i want to make sure i can get it working before i do
> it on the other machines.  what servers are people using in their
> ntpd.conf? i have:

Right, this isn't a battery issue.

> server pool.ntp.org
> is there an EST server i should be using? what other settings should i
> have in that file? i have:

You can use any NTP server. Of course, it make sense to use one close to you. 
Best would be to use your ISP's NPT server. Just ask them. If they won't tell 
you launch "nslookup". Inside nslookup, you do:

set type=any

> driftfile       /var/lib/ntp/ntp.drift
> restrict default nomodify nopeer
> restrict

This looks right.


Alternative phrasing of the First Law of Thermodynamics:
If you eat it, and you don't burn it off, you'll sit on it.

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