On Sat, 22 Jan 2005, Tony Boom wrote:

> Hello Holly,
> Saturday, January 22, 2005, 1:32:50 PM, you wrote:
> HB> OK, this sucks.
> It's getting to me like that too.
> HB> Given that fglrx is loaded (it did load after the reboot, right?), this
> HB> should not be happening.
> It is loaded yes.
> HB> 1) drivers not properly compiled (you have booted to the same kernel
> HB> version that /usr/src/linux is linked to, yes?)
> I have yes. I've got ATI in it's name so I know if it is the right one I'm
> booting.

Try to reemerge the ati-drivers. In an earlier mail it seems that ati's
GL-lib didn't compile correctly. Do 'ACCEPT_KEYWORDS="~x86" emerge
ati-drivers' as one line. Then do opengl-update ati. And restart X by
doing 'ps -u root -ao pid,comm | grep X', then 'kill -SIGHUP processid'
where processid is the number you get from the first command.

> HB> 2) kernel misconfigured so driver does not work (main issue is that DRM
> HB> must be off)
>  How do I tell that?

I have not had any problems with my compiled-in DRM.

Best regards

Peter K

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