so far you have it completly disabled by having it set to 0 in
xorg.conf.  my guess it would either disable it or change it to one x.
what I would do is re-enable it in xorg.conf and and try it disabled in
the bios.  but before you do run a glxgears and see if it improves it
any if you disable it in the bios

On Sat, 2005-01-22 at 03:43 +0000, Peng wrote:
> On 01/20/05 17:57, Peng wrote:
> > On 01/20/05 14:12, Douglas James Dunn wrote:
> > 
> >> you try going into your bios and lowering the AGP settings to 4x or 2x?
> >> It worked for me when AGP crashed my box
> > 
> > 
> > No, I didn't. Forgot to. I'll try to remember to do it later. :P Don't 
> > feel like rebooting at the moment. And anyway, turning off NnAGP /is/ 
> > working, even if it makes the graphics card much less powerful. I'm 
> > happy for the moment, and tired of messing with things.
> All my BIOS has is "AGP 8X", and I can either enable or disable it. I'm 
> wondering if disabling it would completely disable AGP or something...
> --
> mailing list
Douglas James Dunn
cell: (724) 316-8266
Secretary Phi Mu Delta Mu Theta chapter
Indiana University of Pennsylvania 

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