> > Maybe what I need is a little box attached to each of my systems that
> > is solid and can always be used to get into the system it's attached
> > to.  Does something like this exist?  I think I've heard a Unix buddy
> > of mine talking about something like this.
> Yes, this is commonly called a console server which connects to
> potentially a lot of other boxes via serial console. You can build one on
> your own...
> > But I guess even a solid box like that needs software upgrades from
> > time to time.
> ...which is true if you want to build it on your own. Well, OTOH, as far
> as it just does its job and there's no remotely exploitable error in the
> ssh server and kernel, you're not urged to update...

Thanks, that sounds like just what I need.  Any ideas on where to find
out more about these?

- Grant

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