On Mon, 24 Jan 2005, Henrik Andersson wrote:

> I'm trying to run xorg with the latest ati-drivers @ 1600x1200. When
> using the 'fglrx' module, all I get is a "out of sync" message from my
> monitor (viewsonic vp201s). Other screen resolutions can be applied but
> the monitor has 1600x1200 as optimal resolution (tft).
> I have the correct V/H-sync lines in xorg.conf.
> When I use the 'radeon' driver it works perfectly. I've also tried using
>   the config generated by '/opt/ati/bin/fglrxconfig' with no success.

What happens if you use the fglrx-optimised version of xorg.conf and
delete the H/V-lines? This should let X autodetect the screens

> Section "Monitor"
>          Identifier      "ViewSonic"
>          HorizSync       30-92    <---Remove these
>          VertRefresh     50-85    <---two lines.
>          Option          "DPMS"
> EndSection

Is the monitor connected via dvi or vga (d-sub)?


Peter K

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