What I'm saying is that I do NOT want to have to install binary-only
drivers from either nvidia or ati.  Whatever card I get I want to be
able to use drivers w/ source that are included in the x.org package.

On Thu, 2005-01-27 at 23:14 -0800, Steven Susbauer wrote:
> You don't have to get that old of a card. I'm using an nvidia 5700 and 
> it works well, and I kno people using even newer cards that work well.
> ATI is, for most people, painful and time consuming to set up.
> nVidia is, generally, much easier to install and use.
> Free and open video card? So are they gonna ship out in cracker jack 
> boxes? Maybe the DRIVERS are free and open, in which case they only have 
> the "open" part better than nVidia (though nvidia works VERY well and I 
> don't mind it being closed). I worry also about how supported they would 
> be in other operating systems, windows and such? I'd stick to nVidia 
> only because it's known and works well. OpenGL too!
> Tres Melton wrote:
> > I too am preparing to get a new system and have been watching the AMD64
> > motherboard thread with interest and thought about starting a thread on
> > video cards.  I am looking to get the most advanced card I can get that
> > uses completely Free drivers.  I've heard that there is an older Nvidia
> > card that is well supported (4200?).  OpenGL is important to me as well.
> > There is a great interview of Timothy Miller on Kernel Trap:
> > 
> > http://kerneltrap.org/node/4622
> > 
> > Tim is an avid Free Software user and a graphics card designer that
> > works for a company that builds graphics cards for medical and air
> > traffic control systems and has convinced his company, Tech Source, to
> > fund the development of a completely Free and Open video card.  He is
> > hoping for a release date of June 2005 but engineering samples are
> > supposed to be available earlier to developers of graphics systems (X,
> > KDE, Gnome, Mplayer, etc.).  When it is available I'll buy one if for no
> > other reason than to support the project, but, until then, what is the
> > card that the Gentoo graphics developers are using?
> > 

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