Ow Mun Heng wrote:
On Wed, 2005-02-02 at 18:44, Neil Bothwick wrote:
On Wed, 02 Feb 2005 18:30:28 +0800, Ow Mun Heng wrote:

Using -> www-proxy/squid-2.5.7-r2
--- Invalid atom in /etc/portage/package.mask: www-proxy/squid-2.5.7-r2

These are the packages that I would merge, in order:

Calculating dependencies  ...done!
[ebuild     U ] www-proxy/squid-2.5.7-r4 [2.5.7-r2
Read the previous replies again. you already have 2.5.7-r2 s you don't
want to mask that, you want to mask everything greater than it. The line
is package.mask should be ">www-proxy/squid-2.5.7-r2". Putting an = after
the > as you first did masks the current version too. Having no >, < or =
is illegal.

Putting :
[ebuild     UD] www-proxy/squid-2.5.6-r3 [2.5.7-r2]

It wants to Downgrade to 2.5.6

[ebuild     UD] www-proxy/squid-2.5.6-r3 [2.5.7-r2]

It _still_ wants to downgrade..

It seems to me that you are not understanding the function of /etc/portage/package.mask.

Masked packages may not be installed. That is to say, they are not allowed to be installed--that is why they are masked, either by Portage or by you.

If you tell Portage that all ebuilds equal to (=) squid-2.5.7-r2 are not allowed to be installed, then Portage will detect that that package *is* installed and attempt to remove it by downgrading (because Portage doesn't want an unauthorized package installed, for what should be obvious reasons).

If you want to keep that package, but not upgrade it any further, what you want is to tell Portage that no package *above* 2.5.7-r2 is allowed to be installed, like so:


This will preserve the current version, but make all versions beyond it invisible to Portage until you unmask them.


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