> You mentioned using webalizer, the tool i use is similar awstats. It
> produces similar outputs, i found with more information however. It
> depends what your wanting to see. AWStats will show referal information,
> search queries, browser type and version etc. Times the page is views,
> bandwidth usage. http://awstats.sf.net (or emerge awstats)

I actually used to use AWstats, but switched to Webalizer so I don't
have to run CGIs directly from the URL.  I checked out the AWstats
demo recently, and I really didn't see any info that Webalizer leaves
out.  Webalizer does include all the types of info you mentioned
above.  One thing I'd really like to see that no log analyzer seems to
include is a breakdown of info by day.  It always seems to be by
month, and that means I get much more relevant information during the
first couple days of every month when I get to see what happened
during those days.

- Grant

> Tim

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