comparing the number of new kernels I use compared to how often I
upgrade hardware.  For me I dont unload kernel modules.  the only
modules I have are sound and video.  I think you have to load them as
modules.  Anyways depending on how often you upgrade your kernel and if
you actually need to modularize your kernel, you have to ask yourself
the question, Does it really matter?

On Thu, 2005-02-03 at 14:12 +1300, Tom Eastman wrote:
> At the moment, my kernel is a somewhat random mix of things that are
> compiled directly in, compiled as modules, or compiled as external modules
> (like nvidia).
> I'm about to go from gentoo-dev-sources-2.6.9-r9 to 2.6.10, but I was
> wondering just what would happen if I simply went through my kernel config
> and compiled absolutely *everything* that can be a module, as a module.
> In my head, this would make things tidier, but obviously there would be
> stumbling blocks...
> For example: I guess I would need to work out exactly which modules are
> required at boot time (e.g. filesystem ones, I assume) and create an initrd
> that would set them up for me.  I've never actually made an initrd so I
> have no idea how hard this would be.
> What other advantages/disadvantages would there be?  Would hotplug/udev
> correctly find the right modules for my system?  Would there be any
> noticeable slowdown?  As I understand it, modules are slower to load, but
> not slower to run, am I correct?
> What do people think?  Does it seem like a good idea?  Or is it just
> immensely stupid?
>  Tom
> --
> mailing list
Douglas James Dunn
cell: (724) 316-8266
Indiana University of Pennsylvania 

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