On Fri, 04 Feb 2005 00:14:25 +0000, Steve wrote:

> >That's an issue with rsync, but not with rdiff-backup, which keeps
> >older files. You can restore older versions of files, or deleted files
> >for as long as they stay in the backup.

> I like being the less up-to-date  - it is more interesting. :-)  I've 
> rdiff-backup on my list of man-pages to read.

I was fortunate enough to be paid to write a review of backup software
recently. It forced me to put my house in order :)

> >>For a mail server, I can't help thinking that the ideal solution would
> >>be some (possibly bespoke) mechanism to push emails from the primary 
> >>server to a secondary server (or maybe just a secondary disk) as it 
> >>arrives (possibly with a queue as necessary) and not to delete data
> >from >the secondary server when it is deleted from the first, but
> >rather to  >archive the eldest data regularly in order to ensure the
> >disks do not  >fill.  This, however, could not be considered a simple
> >backup by most.  >[Neil - you'd impress me by naming a tool that would
> >do this 'ideal  >solution' without the need for writing bespoke
> >scripts...] >    
> >>
> >
> >You can use a procmail rule to send a copy of a mail to a backup file.
> >
> >:0c:
> >/mnt/backup/mail/$USER.backup
> >  
> >
> Of course, but (I ask provocatively) - won't that use mailbox rather 
> than maildir format -hence introducing complications of locking?

The trailing colon forces procmail to use, and respect, file locks. it's
probably possibly to do it in maildir instead, but I still use mailbox
files here. Switching over is somewhere on my list of things to do.

> there an issue in getting this to be a system wide setting not a 
> per-user thing? For a mail server with centralised administration - 
> isn't something closer to the MTA more appropriate?

You could put a rule like this in the global procmail file. i'm sure there
are better ways of doing it, especially on a medium to large scale setup,
but it works for me.

> [BTW - you didn't solve the archiving bit :-P ]

OK, that is a (very short) "custom" script, that archives the backup files
once a week.

> That's good - people who agree with me are usually dull.  :-)

Should I agree or disagree with that? ;-)

Neil Bothwick

667 - The FAX number of the beast

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