050203 Steven Susbauer wrote:
> Not sure if lynx supports HTTPS, I've always had problems with it.

yes, if you set it up to do so.

> elinks also has GPM support, which again I'm not sure about in lynx.

yes, you can have Lynx use simple mouse clicks.

i've always used Lynx when i don't need a GUI browser
& it has loads of features, if you take the time to find out about them.
i realised -- just today -- that you can use its visited-links page
to emulate tabs to a certain extent.  numbered links are a great device.
its one big limitation is lack of any support for Javascript,
but often you can extract needed URLs from source-view, esp "pretty source".

> If nothing else, lynx can get you arrested (at least in the UK).

then it must be really good ... (big grin)

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