Hi - I'm trying to install Gentoo for the first time, and I've
actually managed to run into a snag before the install process has
actually started. I put the Gentoo cd into the cdrom tray, start the
box up, boot into the installation program, start that up with the
gentoo kernel, get the networking going, and then get to the part
where I'm supposed to partition off my hard drive...and that's where
the problem starts. This particular hard drive has never had anything
on it except for Mandrake Linux (which I've had my fill of). No DOS,
no MS, nothing else. So when I type 

fdisk /dev/hda

I get the following message:

"You will not be able to write the partition table.
Device contains neither a valid DOS partition table, nor Sun SGI or
OFS disk label.
Building a new DOS disk label. Changes will remain in memory only,
until you decide to write one. After that, of course, previous content
will be unrecoverable.

Warning: invalid flag 0x0000 of partition table 4 will be corrected by

At this point, all I am trying to do is to build the very basic
partition table suggested in the installation directions, which is a
32 meg MBR, a 512 meg swap partition, and the rest as a root partition
(definitely not my ultimate setup, but this is just a first run). No
problem with the first partition, but then for the second partition,
it says hit enter for the default start point of 33, and again for the
default end point of 63. For the end point, however, I obviously want
it to be +512M, which is what I tell it to do, and it tells me that is
out of range. Can anyone help me with this hurdle? I'm not very
familiar with hdparm...I tried using a couple of the options that
showed up when I hit m, but couldn't seem to pull it off. 




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